2010年4月15日 星期四

實用 iPhone 型鎖機工具 Share

設計採用 iPhone 型的滑鎖型式解鎖,可自行更改背景顯示圖示,美觀及實用程式,值得大家安裝試用。( For Pocket PC)



2010年4月10日 星期六

小型Start Menu Share

Free Launch Bar

Now Windows Vista compatible and with 64-bit Windows support!
screenshotFree Launch Bar is a Free replacement for the standard Quick Launch bar. All functions presented in Quick Launch are also in Free Launch Bar. However, the Free Launch Bar is fully compatible with Quick Launch because it uses the same folder for shortcuts. But there is one huge difference. Free Launch Bar allows you to combine your shortcuts into groups. This feature looks like popup menus. This vastly improves the management of your shortcuts and save working space on your desktop. By using Free Launch Bar, you speed up the launching of your applications like never before.


隨時透過FTP備份 Share

Febees Backup

"Febees Backup is a backup tool designed to work in mixing Unicode and non-Unicode environments. It also equips with a flexible file/folder filter, which even supports Regular Expression. FTP to FTP backup, UNIX permissions backup and UNIX symbolic links backup are all possible."

Febees Backup
Top Features

* Transparently backup between Windows, FTP, Amazon S3 and ZIP
* Works in multilingual environments – both Unicode and non-Unicode
* Unique fast backup – initial full backup is not necessary
* Full featured filtering w/ preview capability
* Flexible scheduling system
* Customizable fault tolerance backup
* Visual backup job simulation
* User-defined variables
* Command line interface for script integration

Download Now
(2.7MB, completely free, no registration required)

輕鬆將檔案定時備份 Share

What's EZBackup?

EZBackup is an easy-to-use backup utility for Windows 9x, NT, 2000 and XP.

EZBackup main window


Some of EZBackup's features are:
  • Simple, intuitive interface
  • Backup specific files and folders (recursively and non-recursively)
  • Ability to specify include/exclude filters
  • Various backup modes: full, incremental, incremental with regular full backups
  • Ability to pause, resume and stop backups
  • Checks for available disk space before starting backup
  • User selectable error handling
  • Easily copy and rename backup jobs
  • Human readable log file
  • Coming next...
 What does it cost?

EZBackup 1.0 Beta is free.


To install EZBackup, do the following:
  1. Download ezb.zip (138 Kb) and extract its contents to a new folder, eg: C:\EZBackup.
  2. Create a short-cut to C:\EZBackup\EZBackup.exe.
  3. Optional:
    If you want EZBackup to automatically start when you start Windows, copy the shortcut to the appropriate folder: C:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp (Windows 9x/ME), C:\WinNT\Profiles\\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp (Windows NT) or C:\Documents and Settings\\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (Windows 2000).
To uninstall EZBackup, delete the folder C:\EZBackup.  EZBackup doesn't touch the Windows registry and doesn't create or modify any files in the Windows or Windows system folders.

Artweaver v1.06 媲美Photoshop、Painter的免費繪圖工具(中文版) Share

Artweaver是個內建中文語系的免費的繪圖工具,雖說可媲美Photoshop跟Painter,比較起來Artweaver還是簡單、輕盈許多。 不過Artweaver該有的筆刷、粉筆、炭筆、鉛筆…各種視覺特效與顏色調校功能…等必備功能幾乎都有了,當然透明度、圖層(Layers)、數位版的 支援…等等基本功能也都有,目前可支援的圖檔格式包含BMP、GIF、JPEG、PCX、TGA、IFF、PNG、跟Photoshop的PSD檔,在一 般應用上來說應該是相當足夠了。

目前Artweaver有.exe格式的安裝版與.zip免安裝版,可攜式的免安裝版可以解壓縮後直接執行「Artweaver.exe」馬上開始使用。 內建數十國的語言,如果想使用繁體中文的話,也可另外下載繁體中文語系放到「Languages」資料夾中來用。如果不想花錢買Photoshop或 Painter軟體又不想用盜版,Artweaver這個軟體應該可以暫時讓我們做些簡單的圖片編修。 

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